Thursday, 5 June 2014

Pairwise differences

I wish I'd known MATLAB had... DIFF

  • DIFF calculates the sequential differences between numbers in an array. 
  • It can work on any dimension along the array: Y = DIFF(X,2) calculates differences along the rows.
  • For vectors, you can do a diff in different ways - e.g.
        Y = DIFF(X)   is similar to
        Y = [X nan]-[nan X] (except it has an 2 extra columns)
  • Warning - DIFF(X) always has one fewer rows (or columns etc. depeding on dimension) than X! I often pad the diff with an extra row:
       Y = [ nan(1,size(X,2))
             DIFF(X)            ]
  • Also note that there is a function GRADIENT that does something similar. In particular, the gradient at a point is calculated using the DIFF of the points on either side of it. So,
        Y=GRADIENT(X)        if X is a vector, is similar to
        Y=MEAN([ [nan;GRADIENT(X)], [GRADIENT(X),nan] ])
    except at the first and last points (thanks Sean Fallon for this info!).

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