This great function really helps when you want to do an "outer product". That is, if you need to combine each item in list A with each item in list B. It generalises to any number of dimensions, too!
- "Binary function with singleton expansion" is a fancy way of saying automatic dimension replication.
- A binary function is simply any function that takes two parameters. For example "plus(A,B)", which is the function that does A+B
- Often repmat can be replaced with BSXFUN. I'm not sure whether this improves readability or not, but it works well in some situations.
= [ 6 7 8
7 8 9 ]
BSXFUN(@gt, [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9],[3; 6]) =
= [0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 ]
note the following useful binary operations:
- gt(a,b) = a>b (greater than)
- lt(a,b) = a<b ( less than)
- ge, le (greater-or-equal, less-or-equal)
- plus, times, rdivide
Y = BSXFUN(@plus, [1 2 3],[5;6])
is the same as
Y = plus(repmat([1 2 3], 2,1), repmat([5;6],1,3) or
Y = repmat([1 2 3],2,1)+repmat([1;2],1,3) or
* as another example, if you wanted to create the times-tables for 1 to 12:
* Note that singleton expansion is automatic for scalars! i.e.
1+V == ones(size(V)) + V
2*V == times(2*ones(size(V)), V)
Python's numpy automatically expands dimensions for standard binary operations.
Also try combining these techniques with
- creating quick functions
- matrix multiplication expansion
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